Let Go to Achieve Your Dreams

Life is about making choices. Each one of us has our own story with twists and turns, choices and opportunities. You may think you know where your story will take you. You may think you have control to direct your own path. I believe that none of us has control – we have choices.Every choice you make points you to the next opportunity to choose. Don’t be passive and let life or circumstances choose for you. And don’t let the fear of making the wrong choice keep you from making the best choice that you can. It is possible that some of your choices may seem wrong. But every choice is part of your story with the power to change your whole life. And a “wrong” choice isn’t necessarily bad. It just means you will take a different route to get to wherever you are supposed to go.

When you lose the illusion of control – when bad things happen – you may feel that life is letting you down. Don’t despair! Even horrible situations can be the impetus to move you in the direction you need to go. You may get a tap on the shoulder or a gentle nudge trying to push you out of your comfort zone and onto a new path. If that doesn’t work, the next hint may actually be a giant shove that forces you to go in a new, unexpected direction.Don’t wait for the shove! Be open to opportunities and be consciously aware of your choices, even if it is the choice to continue on the same path. Be mindful of everything you do. Be present every second of every day. You never know what will happen or when that magical moment will arrive that will set you on the path your soul is meant to follow. Remember that hardships can make you more present and more willing to look for new opportunities.

Be inspired by people who follow their dreams. Don’t be controlled by jealousy. Be amazed and happy at what others accomplish. Cherish the example they have set and trust that you can do something equally worthwhile.

Don’t be afraid to let go of the safety of something familiar to reach for your dreams. You may not know what your true dream is until you find it and it may not even be the dream you thought you wanted. It may take multiple tries to find the one special thing that brings you fulfillment. Whatever you do, don’t settle for less.

If life doesn’t bring you joy, peace, and tranquility, it is time to change. If your life lacks fulfillment, you have not landed on your soul’s purpose in life. Choose another path. Never stop looking and learning until you find what brings you joy. Then live in that joy every day.Treasure each day as though it was Christmas Eve. Look forward to every new adventure and let every day bring you the gift of new opportunities and new choices.

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