How You Can Make the Infinite Your Reality! underestimate the power of your heart. Be bold. Be daring. Be courageous—shatter the mold. Be your Self.
The world needs you. You are Infinite. You know this… yes? You feel it in your bones. Now, make it your reality.
Let your Highest Self dance in every mundane and sacred situation.
How? By opening yourself to Wholeness, unashamed and unafraid. Your divinity moving into the moment transforms creation, simply through Being.
Act like a seal, belly up in the ocean, allowing the nourishing beams of divine light to seep into your skin—it feels amazing! Give your Highest Self permission to transform you.
If you give your Highest Self free reign over of your life, you will be handed creation in return. For, ultimately, who is the genius behind this manifest universe but your Highest Self? The surrender is internal.
God is the You that you are longing to be. Enlightenment is the freedom that you crave so intensely, you can taste it… It’s the embrace that no earthly lover (alone) can satisfy.
Let God or Being or Mother Nature’s love run rampant in your life.
Speak aloud the permission for the Divine to break down every boundary. Demand infinite love to forge new paths. Like a great forest fire, let this love burn through obstacles currently hindering your life. If you do, I promise you… you will wake up and realize the options are limitless.
Then, with fresh eyes beaming with devotion and clarity, allow your heart to move you through this world. Your heart is God’s compass. You will feel as infinity feels (within this human body.)
Don’t be ashamed that you are human, or feel imperfect—that you live in a society with many injustices, and so few solutions. Simply love your small self like a mother loves her child: with great care and acceptance. Once you learn this self-love you will become a lighthouse of Being. You will have the internal strength to shift the tides of this world, and bring humanity back into alignment with hope and peace.
Experience every moment of human life with Presence and care. Feel the emotions echoing in your body, allow these powerful feelings to be honored and felt. Watch as these feelings become the formless dance you have committed to with your Highest Self. Allow them to move you, un-judged. For once you have felt the range of human emotions you can look at the lives of others with unyielding compassion and understanding.
Meditate, pray and unplug from collective un-consciousness as much as you are able. Travel to sacred lands. Spend time barefoot in nature and allow your body to ground to the power of Mother Earth. Eat pure fresh foods full of life force energy and breathe deeply all day long. Enlightenment is attainable in this lifetime. Your body is your vessel.
Be diligent. Be balanced. Awaken yourself first. The rest will follow.



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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's.

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It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since.