Below you will find our favourite 110 blog post headlines.

If you are like us and don’t want to write all these posts yourself, then you can hire someone to do it for you. That’s what we did. And let me tell you, the return on investment has been incredible! We have paid $50 for an article and got over 1,000,000 visitors from Google in return.

Top 30 Most Influential People In _____ (Blogging, Web Design, Photography, Golf, Gaming etc)
10 Reasons Why It Rocks To Be a _____ (Blogger, Web Designer, Photographer, Golfer, Gamer etc)
10 Reasons Why It Sucks To Be a_____ (Blogger, Web Designer, Photographer, Golfer, Gamer etc)
10 Christmas Gifts For _____ (Bloggers, Web Designers, Photographers, Golfers, Gamers etc)
17 Tips To Cure _____ (Bloggers Block, Bad Converting Websites, Crap Photos, Golfer Elbow, Gaming Addiction etc)
20 Bloggers To Follow on _____ (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ etc)
Top 20 Young _____(Bloggers, Web Designers, Photographers, Golfers, Gamers etc)
The Top 20 _____ Who Make The Most Money (Bloggers, Web Designers, Photographers, Golfers, Gamers etc)
20 Websites To Visit If You Want To Be a Better _____ (Blogger, Web Designer, Photographer, Golfer, Gamer etc)
20 Best Blog Posts of 2019 For _____ (Bloggers, Web Designers, Photographers, Golfers, Gamers etc)
20 Great Quotes To Inspire You To Be a Better _____ (Blogger, Web Designer, Photographer, Golfer, Gamer etc)
13 Movies All _____ Should Watch (Bloggers, Web Designers, Photographers, Golfers, Gamers etc)
7 Traits All Successful _____ Have In Common (Bloggers, Web Designers, Photographers, Golfers, Gamers etc)
21 Life Lessons From _____ (Famous person in your industry, see:
9 Reasons Why You Suck At _____ (Blogging, Web Design, Photography, Golf, Gaming etc)
Top 30 Female/Male _____ (Bloggers, Web Designers, Photographers, Golfers, Gamers etc)
11 Things I Wish I Knew About _____ When I First Started (Blogging, Web Design, Photography, Golf, Gaming etc)
12 stupid things _____ don’t do when first starting (Bloggers, Web Designers, Photographers, Golfers, Gamers etc)
11 Instant _____ Boosters (conversions, photo, design, swing etc)
Thousands Already _____ and here’s 12 ways you can too (create awesome headlines, make beautiful designs, drive the fairway etc)
10 Reasons Civilization May Collapse Because of Your_____ (Blogging, web design, photography etc)
9 ways _____ makes you rich/happy/healthy. (Blogging, web design, photography etc)
11 Reasons You’re Too Clever For _____ (Blogging, web design, photography etc)
10 Ways to Immediately Improve Your _____ (Blogging, web design, photography etc)
10 Types of _____ – Which Group Are You In? (Bloggers, web designers, photographers, golfers etc)
20 Reason Why This Is The Ultimate Guide To _____ (Blogging, web design, photography etc)
12 Reasons Every _____ Regrets Not Doing This Sooner (Blogger, web designer, photographer, golfer etc)
13 Reasons This Post Will Make You A Better _____ Guaranteed (Blogger, web designer, photographer, golfer etc)
12 Things Every _____ Regrets Not Doing This Sooner (Blogger, web designer, photographer, golfer etc)
24 Rules I Follow To Create Successful _____ (blogs, web designs, photographs, golf swings etc)
9 Ways To Dramatically Improve Your _____ – Even If You’re Just Starting Out (Blogging, web design, photography etc)
Top 10 _____ Mistakes To Avoid (Blogging, web design, photography etc)
10 Reason You Shouldn’t Even Think About _____ Without Reading This (Blogging, web design, photography etc)
9 Reasons Some People Always _____ (make money online, make great designs, take incredible pictures, hit a par 4)
10 Reasons Thousands Now _____ Who Never Thought They Could (make money online, make great designs, take incredible pictures, hit a par 4)
The 12 Strange Techniques That Improve Your _____ (blogs, web designs, photographs, golf swings etc)
Free Book Tells You The 12 Secrets Of Incredible _____ (blogs, web designs, photographs, golf swings etc)
11 Reasons Why Most _____ Fail (Blogger, web designer, photographer, golfer etc)
5 Amazing Discoveries Kills _____ Quick! (bad blogging, bad designs, ugly photographs, horrible golf swing etc)
10 “Friendly” Pieces Of _____ Advice You Should Never Take (Blogging, web design, photography etc)
Top 5 things to happen in_____ in 2014 (blogging, web designer, videogames, golf, etc)
Top 10 weirdest ways to be a better_____ (blogger, designer, golfer)
Top 10 Strange Ways to Get _____ (more traffic, more designs finished, clients, more distance on your golf drive etc)
5 Most Useful _____ Skills To learn in 5 days (blogging, photography, golf, photoshop, etc)
Top 10 Things a _____ should never do if you ____ (blogger, photographers, golfers, designer etc) (want more traffic, to take great pictures, improve your swing, etc)
10 Great _____ – A Top _____ Best Advice (headlines, traffic tactics, low light images, responsive designs etc) (Blogger, photographer, designer etc)
Why Your _____ Sucks, 10 Fresh Insights (blog, photos, designs, etc)
10 Subliminal Tricks That Make Your _____ Adored (blog, designs, photos, pickup lines etc)
Great _____! 20 Ways to Make Your _____ Even Better (Blogging, photography, layouts, etc) (Blog, photos, designs, etc)
3 _____ Instincts To Master – And 2 To Ditch (Blogging, photography, design, golf etc)
10 Secret Codes: Top _____ Seem To Use A Clever Formula – But Not Clever Enough. We Cracked it! (Blogging, photography, web design, etc) (Bloggers, Photographers, designers etc)
The 7 Sneakiest Things To Do Before _____ (creating your first Blog, taking your first picture, designing your first site etc)
_____ Taboo – The 5 Dirty Little Secrets _____ Don’t Want To Talk About (Blogging, photography, golfing, web design etc) (Blogger, web designers, photographers, golfers etc)
5 _____ Rules You Gotta Break ( blogging, photography, golf, web-design etc)
5 Things That Sway You From Good _____ Decisions (Blogging, web design, photography, business, golf etc)
5 Ways To Be A Better _____ Without _____ (blogger, photographer, designer, golfer etc) (blogging, taking photos, designing, golfing etc)
The _____ Brain Exposed – 20 Fascinating Facts (Bloggers, photographers, golfers, etc)
50 Ways to Have More Fun With Your _____ (Blog, photography, designs, golf, business etc)
10 Hilarious Confessions Of Desperate _____ (bloggers, photographers, golfers, designers, etc)
10 _____ Habits That Hold You Back (blogging, photography, golfers, designers, etc)
5 Things Smart _____ Never Tell (bloggers, photographers, golfers, web designers, etc)
10 Advanced _____ Tricks – When You Whip Out One of These Doozies, They’ll Know They’re With A Real _____ (blogging, golfing, photography, design, etc) (blogger, golfer, photographer, designer)
9 Reasons Why I Won’t Be ______ Any Time Soon (Drinking Bottle Water, Wearing a Skirt To Work, Having Negative Thoughts)
9 Reasons Why I Won’t Be Dating Any Time Soon
Debating the 25 Best _____ of the decade/ 2014 (bloggers, blogs, photographers, webdesigns, designers, golfers, golfetc)
15 Things _____ should stop making a big deal about (Bloggers, photographers, designers, entrepreneurs, etc)
20 _____ Share their secrets to success after tasting failure (bloggers, entrepreneurs, designers, etc)
5 Problems_____ face Just Starting out (bloggers, entrepreneurs, designers etc)
8 Signs you’re failing as a _____ (bloggers, entrepreneurs, designers etc)
8 Things _____ Are sick of hearing in 2014 (bloggers, entrepreneurs, designers etc)
9 reasons society still needs _____ (bloggers, entrepreneurs, designers etc)
15 Reasons _____ (bloggers, entrepreneurs, photographers, designers etc) Make The Best _____ (friends, business partners, business decisions, prophets, husbands etc)
15 Ways Successful _____ Travel Abroad (bloggers, entrepreneurs, photographers, designers, golfers etc)
22 Important Differences Between _____ and you (successful bloggers, successful entrepreneurs, successful photographers etc)
10 Ways to Turn Your Day-to-Day _____ Into _____ (blog, posts, designs, time on the green, photos etc) success, money, massive traffic, large following, etc)
5 Things to Keep in Mind Before you ditch _____ (blogging, photography, entrepreneurship, your wife, the gym, golf etc)
18 Simple Things All _____ Should Remember (bloggers, husbands, 20 somethings, photographers, golfers, designers, etc)
11 Reasons Why I Don’t Like _____ : A Cautionary Tale (bloggers, photographers, designers, sorority girls, golfers, etc)
The 10 Different Kinds of _____ (bloggers, entrepreneurs, photographers, designers etc)
20 Things Only _____ Know (bloggers, entrepreneurs, photographers, designers etc)
10 Things I Can’t Help But Judge Other _____ For Doing (bloggers, entrepreneurs, photographers, designers etc)
27 _____ Reveal The Most Ridiculously Crazy Things They’ve_____ (bloggers, entrepreneurs, photographers, designers etc) (written about, did for traffic, took photos of, said at interviews, done to reach success)
7 Things Nobody Tells You About Successful _____ (blogging, photography, golf, web design, etc)
18 Qualities Successful _____ All Share (bloggers, entrepreneurs, photographers, designers etc)
23 _____ Share Their Weirdest Experiences _____ (bloggers, entrepreneurs, photographers, designers etc) (online, designing, on the course, at seminars etc)
10 Ways You’ll Fall In Love With A _____ (blogger, developer, entrepreneur, photographer, designer etc)
10 Truths All _____ Need To Hear (bloggers, entrepreneurs, photographers, designers etc)
9 Things You Should Know About _____ _____ (successful, unsuccessful, new, seasoned etc) (bloggers, entrepreneurs, photographers, designers etc)
12 Phrases _____ Should Add To Their Vocabulary (bloggers, entrepreneurs, photographers, designers etc)
Is The Point Of _____ Just To _____ (blogging, taking pictures, designing, golfing etc) Make Money, express yourself, look cool, sounds intelligent, impress your girlfriends dad etc)
5 Signs People Just Aren’t Into Your (headlines, blog, blog posts, designs, songs, poems, websites etc)
5 Lies _____ Need To Stop Telling Themselves When It Comes to _____ (bloggers, entrepreneurs, photographers, designers etc) (creating engaging content, making money, taking amazing pictures, etc)
5 _____ That Changed My Life (blog posts, photos, poets, entrepreneurs, quotes, books etc)
7 Best _____ To Look To For Inspiration (Blogs, web designs, etnrepreneurs, books, etc)
33 Things Only _____ Do (bloggers, photographers, web designers, dog groomer etc)
6 Of The Weirdest Realizations You Have As A _____ (blogger, photographer, golfer, cow-milker, web designer, etc)
The 12 Incredible People You’ll Meet _____ (blogging, as an entrepreneur, at a rave, on the fairway, etc)
The 12 Terrible People You’ Meet _____ (blogging, as an entrepreneur, on the subway, on the fairway, etc)
7 Things Nobody Tells You About Declaring You’re _____ (a blogger, a photographer, retired, golfer
If You’ve Ever Though About _____ Here’s 7 Things To Convince You (Blogging, Becoming an Entrepreneur, Ordering a Bride, etc)
23 _____ On The Creepiest Experience They’ve Ever Had
10 Things You Need To Know About (bloggers, entrepreneurs, golfers, swingers, etc)
15 Surefire Signs You Made It As _____ (a entrepreneur, retiree, parent, photographer etc)
17 Things That Happen When You Fall In Love With A _____ (blogger, yankees fan, golfer, entrpreneur etc)
7 Awesome Things_____ Shouldn’t Feel Bad About Enjoying
60 Wonderful Things For _____ To Rejoice (bloggers, golfers, web designers, babysitters, etc)
12 Things I Dislike About _____ (blogger, web designers, online dating, photography etc)
15 Things That Show You’re _____ (From California, A blogger, an entrepreneur, retired, married etc)
The 7 Good Things About _____ (being an entrepreneur, blogging, riding horses, etc)
42 Undeniable Signs You’re (A blogger, an entrepreneur, writing clickbait, wealthy



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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Simply Dummy Text

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Simply Dummy Text

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Katie Fox

Katie Fox

Fashion Blogger
Melisa Edwards

Melisa Edwards

Food Critic
Richard Roe

Richard Roe

UX Designer
Janie Doe

Janie Doe

UI Designer

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting has been the industry's.

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Melisa Edwards

Melisa Edwards

Food Critic
Katie Fox

Katie Fox

Fashion Blogger
Janie Doe

Janie Doe

UI Designer
Richard Roe

Richard Roe

UX Designer

Hello, I am John Doe

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's.

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It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since.